MTO-Agency ltd (trades and operates as a montenegrotouroperator- Terms and conditions for the agency)
We, MTO-Agency ltd, a company with its registered office in Montenegro with the company registration number 50740504 and the address of the registered office ul. vlada Ćetkovića br. 3/12 in Podgorica, we operate as a Montenegro tour operator, we operate as a licensed taxi service in Montenegro and only as an agent in the region of ex Yu space. Regarding all received reservations that are offered and that we make and / or make on your behalf in the territory of our region as well as in the territory of EU countries. For all passenger transport arrangements, your contract will be concluded with the supplier, ie. our partner in the respective arrangements (supplier / principal).
If you have any special requirements, let us know at the time of booking or before. We will forward all such requests to our partner, ie. To the Supplier / Principal, but we cannot guarantee that these requirements will be met and we will not be liable to you if. Please note that our suppliers / partners will operate on a contract basis and adhere to all rules in a business manner.
- Terms and conditions of the Agency
By making a reservation with us, you agree and accept these terms and conditions of the Agency
The person making the reservation agrees and agrees to the terms of use, so on behalf of all persons or companions in the reservation gives consent and agrees to our use of personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy and is authorized on behalf of all persons listed in the reservation to disclose to us their personal data, including, where applicable, specific categories of data (such as information on health conditions or disabilities); and to persons who are or are over 18 years of age, assumes financial responsibility for the payment of the reservation on behalf of all persons listed in the reservation.
After selecting desired Starting and Ending destinations You will be offered with several Packages with the description.
Under each Package there is a button with a link saying "Order Now".
After selecting a Package you want click on a button "ORDER NOW" under it. You will be redirected on a page looking like one on a photo below.
On this screen Package preview will be displayed with the price, as well as the order form that you are required to fill.
After filling up required fields you have to options to choose from. To make an online payment click PAY NOW buton
After clicking on a PAY NOW button you will be redirected on a preview page like one on a image bellow. On this page You will be presented with all details about Your reservation. After checking the details and confirming that you agree with Terms and Conditions click on "CHECKOUT NOW" button.
* Now you are redirected to the payment processing page which is hosted by "Allsecure". AllSecure doo Belgrade is certified according to the PCI DSS Level 1 security standard prescribed by Visa and MasterCard rules. This way all your Credit Card data are processed with a highest level of security and we do not have any access or store any of sensitive information on our side.
After filling Your credit card details click on PAY button.
If Your credit card is successfully charged You will be redirected on a success page like one on image below. You will be notified with all details by Email you provided in the Order Form
In case your Credit Card is not charged and there is some problem with the payment you will be redirected on Error page (see image bellow) with a reason why your card is declined if provided by your bank.
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